Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012-The Year of Change....Progress?

Weight loss appears to be going well in spite of the fact that I constantly sabotage myself. It is very humbling to realize there is no such thing as will power. I know that I personally have absolutly none. The only way I am going to be successful in my quest for a healthier me is to constantly be reminded that God is the only one in control. By myself I'm just a glutton.  Hard lesson indeed but acknowledging this and embracing this truth has given me great peace. I sure was tired of trying to do it on my own.  Oh yeah, lets not forget the good news...the scale tells me I'm ten pounds lighter than I was just one month ago.

On to the second phase of a healtier me. I found out why my foot has been hurting so bad for the last year. I have plantars faciitis. So far I have had a cortizone injection and have been signed up for six weeks of physical therapy. I'm trying to be a patient patient.

Friday, January 06, 2012

2012 - THE YEAR OF CHANGE-Thursday, Dec 29 2011

Re-learning to cook real food for one instead of just heat & eat takes some thought.

2012 - THE YEAR OF CHANGE-Monday, Dec 26 2011

Got on the bathroom scales and almost had a stroke. Rejoined Weight Watchers that evening.


I am not making any "New Years Resolutions" this year; I seldom do anyway. I do however have many opportunities to make significant changes in my life. I have two challenges / opportunities that I already know are on my plate. They are listed below in order of long range importance.

  1. Take care of my health. This will include weight loss because I am now having multiple health issues because of it and I would like to be around to see my Great-Grandchildren born, God willing. I would also would love to be able to go for a walk in the woods without pain. That would be awesome in itself.
  2. Acquire new employment. A necessity not only to be able to stay financially stable but I also need that thing called health insurance to accomplish number 1.

I have found that I really don't journal or blog very well but I am going to try to share a bit about my year because I need all the support I can get from my friends. These goals are both very achievable and although they may not be easy at times I look forward to the journey and choose to be excited to begin.